日本赤十字社 武蔵野赤十字病院


Consultation for overseas patients

If you are an overseas patient wishing a consultation, please use a medical coordination company. In order to provide safe and secure medical services, we ask overseas patients who wish to receive medical consultations and treatments at our hospital to contact us, as a rule, through a company specializing in medical coordination. We are currently in partnership with a medical coordination company called Emergency Assistance Japan Co., Ltd. (hereafter, EAJ) . Our Referred Patients’ Reception will coordinate acceptance with EAJ. If you are an overseas patient wishing a consultation, please contact EAJ at first. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

*Please note that there are cases in which you might not be able to receive a consultation even if you have contacted us through EAJ.

To contact Emergency Assistance Japan Co.,Ltd.(EAJ) , please call +81-3-3811-8600


海外在住の患者さんの受診は医療コーディネート会社 (EAJ) をご利用ください。
当院が業務提携契約を結んでいる会社は、「日本エマージェンシーアシスタンス株式会社 (以下、EAJ) 」です。当院の「紹介受付」がEAJと受入調整を行います。
当院での受診・治療を希望される海外在住の患者さんは、まず、EAJにご相談ください。 ご理解、ご協力をよろしくお願いします。


日本エマージェンシーアシスタンス株式会社 (EAJ)

※日本人の方は武蔵野赤十字病院 0422-32-3111(代表)までお問合せください。
